Hello my friend. As always I absolutely love your recipe's. I used 3 so far to feed my family. But I was wondering if you could come up with an out of this world recipe for a vegetarian. As I do not eat meet. So when I make a dish I can only eat the veggie portion of it, and that isn't the most flavorful part.
I'm a Vegetarian by choice, so no worries. Just wondering if you'd like a new challenge. Thanks again, and keep up the good cookin.
Leilani, I'm so happy to hear that!! Makes me enjoy this blogging journey SO much more :) Initially my agenda was to document all the dishes that I make and serve for myself and my family..we are all of course omnivorous so vegetarian dishes don't regularly make an appearance, but when we do occasionally decide for a change it happens and we enjoy it! I'm very excited to take on this new challenge. You have inspired me to try and do a whole series on just vegetarian dishes. I'm always looking to not only better this blog so that it can serve and help more people who happen to stumble upon it, but to also better myself as a lover of food and cooking.
Thank you for the feedback. It means a lot! :) //Andrea

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